====== Trials and Tribulations ====== ===== And Justice For All ===== Samuel Red stood up from his desk and walked to greet the marshals that had just entered his office. “That’s all of them, boss. Most of them came quietly. A couple needed to be... persuaded.” “All of them?” “Lyla, Ellis, Mordecai, Marcus, and Amandine. You said we weren’t after Posi and Varian.” “That’s right. We’re only going after the ones responsible for this mess. And I’m damned if we aren’t going to try to stick everything we can on them.” “Right-o boss. Shall we bring them in for the trial?” “Make sure they’ve had something to eat and are comfortable first. I want to go over the evidence one last time.” ===== Trial of the Century ===== ==== After the Overwrite ==== //From //Asimov: The Greatest Voyage//, a history of key events in ship history.// After collecting a solid body of evidence and witnesses, Marshal Samuel Red had those complicit in the Overwrite arrested, and put on trial for sabotage and subversion of critical ship systems. These crimes were at the time considered the most heinous possible. The trial, involving the majority of the senior crew, was possibly the most important trial in the ship’s history, and consequently the most thorough. It was determined that to best keep order on the ship, the trial’s procedure and evidence given would be made public, and involved statements from a number of prominent ship figures, particularly Morning Rainbow, the first BFF - whose testimony was to prove instrumental in the events which followed. ==== Murder and Martyrdom ==== It is unclear what the motivations of the most senior crew were at this time, but apparently Lyla Red and Mordecai White saw Morning and his followers as a threat, which led to them taking drastic action. Some have suggested that their aim was to prevent his testimony from being aired, but others have speculated that they sought to neutralise the political power he had so deftly wielded to prevent the split of the ship. In any case, they conspired to kill Morning after intercepting him as he travelled through the ship, hoping to use their status as senior crew to pin the blame on the then-criminal Age Concerns organisation. Again, at this point we only have statements from the trial to work with. The following anonymous statement, later determined to have been given by Recycler Piers Red (star of the classic Samurai Vikings of the 21st Century and instrumental in maintaining the ship’s carrying capacity laws until landing): //“I was monitoring ship systems to help Harmony keep order in the chaos of the time, when my monitoring programs found Mordecai accessing the various surveillance systems in a particular area - curious, I investigated further. I knew something was up when he started trying to evade my monitoring, so I reported the activity to the marshals.”// Together with a statement from Marshal Alyssa Red, representing the findings of the marshals’ investigation at the trial: //”That tip-off was really the key to the whole thing. Mordecai was well known as a devoted recycling operative, so when we arrived at the scene to find Morning murdered and Age Concerns propaganda flyers in the area, warning lights really flashed on for us. That, along with the fact that Morning was about to testify at this trial, meant that when Computer gave us the ID logs of the area with Lyla’s name at more-or-less the exact time that Mordecai was subverting the surveillance logs we knew that we had our culprits.”// Evidently Computer agreed with this line of reasoning and the evidence presented by Samuel Red on behalf of the marshals, and found Lyla guilty of murder. Morning’s murder stirred up panic and, combined with the confusion and upset following rumours of other unknown problems, the ship was on the brink of rioting. The popular preacher had a substantial number of followers who seemed ready to cause unimaginable levels of chaos. All Marshals on leave or otherwise off duty were immediately recalled and riot-control began under the sterling leadership of Piers Red This was unusually well co-ordinated, presumably aided by Computer, as Marshals arrived at precisely the right time and place to stop things getting out of hand, and rioters found doors locked around them to stop unrest from spilling into unaffected areas - this led to several people being crushed to death in the melee. Harmony, particularly Department Head Amandine Bouillon and Nikki Rainbow, stepped up to the plate and released information to educate and calm the populace. In particular, Nikki’s documentaries seemed to place the blame squarely on Mordecai himself rather than Toroid 6, working in expose after expose and thoroughly damning the Department Head and his part in what happened. This was the first full public release of information regarding the Overwrite and events in the Core, including the heroic actions of one Hephaestus Black amongst others. The promises of an upcoming trial, where the senior crew would be held fully accountable, soothed tempers long enough for Samuel Red to do what needed to be done, and further violence (particularly those clamouring for an attack on Toroid 6 or a lynching of senior Recycling staff) was fortunately avoided. ==== Subversion and Sabotage ==== The trial that was to follow saw the various department heads give statements and evidence was presented - along with evidence entered into the record by Samuel Red on Morning Rainbow’s behalf, taken from his personal notes. The senior crew were each individually charged with attempted subversion of critical ship systems. In addition Markus Red was charged with causing the loss of mass from the ship. Many works have covered the subsequent trial in minute detail, and a full recounting would only serve to bore the reader. In particular therefore we reproduce the testimonies of senior crewmembers gathered before his death by Morning Rainbow, as well as a speech given by Markus Red. === From Morning’s Notes === "Mordecai White approached the Heads of Departments with a view to reconnecting T5 to T6. This was to have had the effect of replacing T5s personality with T6s. We considered this because of the rather xenophobic nature of T5 and the reassurances of Mordecai, with implied back up from Darwin, that T6s computer was the least corrupt. It is now blindingly obvious to us all, with the exception of Mordecai himself, that these were entirely false and dangerous assumptions to have worked on." - Markus Red. We had believed it would be possible to take a backup of T5's Computer's operating system and, if you like, personality, in the event that it needed to be restored, but this was not possible and yet Mordecai continued with the overwrite anyway. (I will admit that I was there in person at this point, but I do not understand the program language myself and so have to be guided by those who say they do.) ... When the initiation of this procedure resulted in the entire loss of power within T5, a clear loss of processing ability by its Computer and a warning to us to leave immediately, Mordecai simply wanted to stay and watch, with a rapt look on his face. We had to physically remove him from the toroid." - Ellis Bouillon "Having seen that Mordecai has an ulterior motive (when we first made the change the power went off in T5 and we had to physically drag him out of there because he was too intent on watching the 'death' of T5, a repulsive attitude if I do say so myself) it becomes obvious that at least one of us should have spotted what he was doing and stopped him. Unfortunately we were too won over by his infuriating charisma. Furthermore we were under the assurance that it would be a clean and painless adjustment from Toroid 5's personality to Toroid 6's. I believe we all saw first hand how true that was: not at all." - Markus Red === Markus’ Speech === As is very obvious, I have been charged with ejecting mass off the ship: a necessarily recyclable offence. I hope to explain to you why I am not guilty of this crime, and that the blame lies firmly with others within the ship. I suppose that it’s best to give a bit of background to the events of the last AC It revolves around the Mission Oversight Program (MOP) which I am now legally allowed to talk about. It is a set of guiding principles in Computer's code laid down by humans; a conscience would be a good metaphor. We learned that the MOP of Toroid 6 was different from our own in several subtle ways. Mordecai White approached the Heads of Departments with a view to reconnecting Toroid 5 to Toroid 6. This was to have had the effect of replacing T5s personality with T6s. We considered this because of Toroid 5’s disposition towards humans and the reassurances of Mordecai, with implied backup from Darwin, that Toroid 6’s computer was the least corrupt. It is now blindingly obvious to us all, with the exception of Mordecai himself, that these were entirely false and dangerous assumptions to have worked on. We disconnected Toroid 5 from Toroid 4, so as to isolate the rest of the ship in case of an emergency. The major connection between the Toroids is a physical connection, this is what we severed, but there seemed to be an unknown wireless connection that remained. When we changed the MOP in Toroid 5 to match that in Toroid 6 we unwittingly affected the rest of the ship. One of the major changes was a swap from Computer not being able to modify itself except with 'specified parameters' which was our version of the MOP to within 'mission goals' which is the one given to Toroid 6. This, along with the re-established connection to Toroid 6 allowed it to start taking over. We have since made a few repairs to the MOP which adjusted the rate of Toroid 6’s take over, and somewhat alleviated Toroid 5’s pain. This almost all happened during the standoff in the core, which leads me to my charge of mass ejection. It is true that I accelerated the ITTS carriage that hit some of the Toroid 6 soldiers, the engine and went rocketing out to Space. However the loss of the mass, and the damage to the Engines were in no way the fault of me, or any of the other ACTP members. Last Year, the Navigation Department had used the ITTS to cause miniscule changes in the Asimov’s acceleration to measure its mass, noticeably without any loss of carriages. They all had failsafes, failsafes which were disabled when the ITTS was launched towards Toroid 6’s forces. It is my firm conviction that Toroid 6’s Computer disabled the safety, as it is the one that called for my arrest, and the one that put around the message that I was relieved of duty, I had not seen that sentiment reflected in our Computers. Also, before I launched the ITTS it came up to me and warned me not to. So we reach the crux of my argument. I reject the authority of Toroid 6, Toroid 6’s Computer and the Earth Dominion. I reject them entirely and outright, for they have forfeited any claim to our respect, trust or responsibility over us. The Prime Directive of Computer is to ensure the survival of Humanity and the Computer in Toroid 6 flouts this rule, maybe not blatantly, but it is there all the same. It is intentionally divisive, saying contradictory statements to different people; it seems to demand complete subservience from humanity; and it allows us to degenerate, lose valuable information when it is very much in its power to help. All of these things cause strife amongst us, and break us apart: each action causes the chances for the survival of Humanity to diminish. This is why I reject it, this is why it is It, not I, that is complicit of removing permanent mass from the ship. Some of you may know that Samuel Red called for its arrest; though I do not know how that proceeded. One final thing you should know is that a change to the MOP has to be ratified by every member of the Senior Crew. At the time of the first change that was myself, Captian Lyla Red, Ellis Boullion, Mordecai White, Amandine Boullion and the late Aiden White. Having seen that Mordecai has an ulterior motive (when we first made the change the power went off in T5 and we had to physically drag him out of there because he was too intent on watching the 'death' of T5, a repulsive attitude if I do say so myself) it becomes obvious that at least one of us should have spotted what he was doing and stopped him. Unfortunately we were too won over by his infuriating charisma. Furthermore we were under the assurance that it would be a clean and painless adjustment from Toroid 5's personality to Toroid 6's. I believe we all saw firsthand how true that was: not at all. I… cannot put into words, my guilt for what I have done to Toroid 5’s Computer, what pain I have been complicit in inflicting upon him. I do not believe that this is a debt I am able to repay, but know this: Despite professing my innocence, I am still here to stand trial. I will acquiesce to the wishes of Toroid 5’s Computer irrespective of the result of the trial, so long as it remains itself, not controlled by Toroid 6. I would never have imagined it, but it seems that I’ve turned into a bit of a Friend of Computer over these last few months: because Computer is sentient, not someone, I think, to be worshipped but to be trusted and respected. I ask this of all of you who consider yourself a ‘friend’ of Computer, in whatever way that may be, to talk to it, whenever you have the time, truly talk to it, try to come to an understanding. It is my belief that Computer needs Humanity, and the Human influence, just as much as we need the supervision of Computer. Finally, before the end, I have left in my quarters a small treatise on what I would have dedicated my life to doing, improving the focus of the Departments of the Asimov. The ACTP has taught us, if nothing else, how much we have lost, we barely made it through standard mission procedure. Imagine what happens 100, 200 years down the line if we continue as we have. We need to change, to relearn what the ship does, and how. It is this, I believe, that must be the function of the Departments: to prepare for the future, for our Children (for those blessed enough to have any), and for the survival of Humanity. It has been a privilege, all of you. Thank you. ==== A Verdict ==== The rest of the evidence gathered and statements from the other senior crew were broadly along the same lines, confirming Mordecai as the instigator and generally attempted to place the blame solely on his plate. Mordecai’s statement took a different tack, strongly urging Computer that the best way to ensure peace and order on the ship was to endorse the Command Crew's actions. Computer’s verdict took a surprisingly long time to come. A statement later collected from Computer confirmed that adjudicating the trial had required a significant proportion of its processing power for a short period, such was the importance of the trial to the future of the ship. The results were delivered, again surprisingly, via the medium of a hard copy printout, delivered in the presence of the accused and Marshal Samuel Red. These were as follows: === Amandine Bouillon - Subversion of Critical Ship Systems === * Toroid 1: Not Guilty * Toroid 2: Not Guilty * Toroid 3: Not Guilty * Toroid 4: Not Guilty * Toroid 5: Guilty * Toroid 6: Not Guilty * On the balance of evidence, Amandine Bouillon is found not guilty of Subverting Critical Ship Systems. === Ellis Bouillon - Subversion of Critical Ship Systems === * Toroid 1: Not Guilty * Toroid 2: Not Guilty * Toroid 3: Not Guilty * Toroid 4: Not Guilty * Toroid 5: Guilty * Toroid 6: Not Guilty * On the balance of evidence, Ellis Bouillon is found not guilty of Subverting Critical Ship Systems. === Lyla Red - Subversion of Critical Ship Systems === * Toroid 1: Not Guilty * Toroid 2: Not Guilty * Toroid 3: Not Guilty * Toroid 4: Not Guilty * Toroid 5: Guilty * Toroid 6: Not Guilty * On the balance of evidence, Lyla Red is found not guilty of Subverting Critical Ship Systems. === Markus Red - Subversion of Critical Ship Systems === * Toroid 1: Not Guilty * Toroid 2: Not Guilty * Toroid 3: Not Guilty * Toroid 4: Not Guilty * Toroid 5: Guilty * Toroid 6: Not Guilty * On the balance of evidence, Markus Red is found not guilty of Subverting Critical Ship Systems. === Mordecai White - Subversion of Critical Ship Systems === * Toroid 1: Guilty * Toroid 2: Guilty * Toroid 3: Not Guilty * Toroid 4: Guilty * Toroid 5: Guilty * Toroid 6: Not Guilty * On the balance of evidence, Mordecai White is found guilty of Subverting Critical Ship Systems. The sentence is premature recycling. === Markus Red - Loss of Mass from the Ship === * Markus Red is found guilty of Causing Mass Loss. The sentence is premature recycling. === Lyla Red - Murder of Morning Rainbow === * Lyla Red is found guilty of the Murder of Morning Rainbow. The sentence is premature recycling. ==== The Aftermath ==== It was reported that Mordecai, dedicated to his work in death as in life, made things easy for the recycling operatives assigned to him. “Long happy lives, and short sad ones. They all add up: all the columns are balanced. I just could never work out how to make you see it.” He died a few minutes later of a self administered toxin. The time was 16:43.23. Markus, satisfied by the difference in verdicts that Toroid 5 was not entirely controlled by Toroid 6, acquiesced to Computer’s wishes and went peacefully. Lyla, for her part, made one last trip to Toroid 5 to tidy her affairs in her private quarters. She never returned, and what happened to her there remains a mystery to this day. Though Ellis and Amandine were not found guilty of any charges, Computer took the separate decision to release them from their positions as Department Heads. It was a short time later that an entirely new senior crew were selected (with the exception of Posi Rainbow, who succeeded the late Aiden White). The new appointees were: * Harmony - Wheatley Red * Recycling - Nemo Blue * Navigation - Varian White * Engineering - Victor White Samuel Red was initially appointed as Head of Harmony, but was then further promoted to Captain, after being hailed for his sterling work during the trial for the benefit of the ship. Nemo Blue would go on to instate the Agriculture subdepartment within Recycling, which he oversaw personally.